Category: Uncategorized

  • Join us on Saturday for (virtual) Books in Bloom!

    Friends of the Library – Gustavus Library Associates (GLA) is proud to present: A Virtual Books in Bloom event Saturday, April 17, 2021 2-3:30 p.m. Register Here Join Saint Peter business-owner Sara Nett, of Sweet Alice Floral and Art as she designs, via Zoom, a bloom interpreting the book Drawdown, by Paul Hawken. From Sara:…

  • Challenged Books: Available at the Gustavus Library!

    The American Library Association kicks off National Library Week (April 4-10) by announcing recent challenges to library, school, and university materials. The Library Bill of Rights states, “Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.” In that spirit, the Gustavus Library opposes censorship in all its forms. Below…

  • Shrek!

    The top voted movie of the tournament is Shrek! Thanks to all who voted and participated with completed brackets.  The top three winners were Dominic Flentje, Savanna Hanle, & Julia Baldus.  Please email suggestions for next year’s March Madness competition to Leah Zacate,  See you at the movies!

  • Shrek vs. Black Panther!

    We’re down to the top two movies!  You may vote as many times as you want and vote quickly! Voting ends at noon tomorrow, Wednesday, March 31st. Vote here!

  • Select Sixteen

    We have our Select Sixteen! Please vote by Sunday night, March 21, to narrow down to our Elite 8. Thank you!  

  • Celebrating Women’s History Month

    Every month is Women’s History Month at the Library!  You can find resources on women’s history, struggles, and achievements throughout the Library. March was first recognized as Women’s History Month in the US in 1987.  International Women’s Day (March 8) is rooted in early 20th century labor movements and was recognized by the UN in…

  • March Madness MOVIE vs. BOOK Tournament!

    Gustavus Library presents the third annual March Madness Tournament! YOU get to decide which is the BEST…MOVIE or BOOK! The tournament is split into eight genres: classics, historical fiction, animation, science fiction, musicals, horror, rom-coms, & Marvel vs. DC. Each genre has four movies competing. As YOU vote for your favorite movie title within each…

  • Celebrating Black History Month: Three New Works of Fiction

    Black History Month may be drawing to a close, but it’s not too late to check out these three new fiction books by black authors at Gustavus library. “Eric’s enthusiasm is infectious. After the first two rides I’m enjoying myself, and not just because dying means I won’t have to pay my student loans.” Raven…

  • Celebrating Black History Month: Science Fiction

    The Library offers many resources that document, commemorate, and celebrate Black history and experiences in the U.S. Each week this month, we’ll feature some of these resources. Today we highlight science fiction written by Black women. Kindred by Octavia Butler is widely regarded as modern classic, a best seller as well as a foundational literary…

  • Celebrating Black History Month

    The Library offers many resources that document, commemorate, and celebrate Black history and experiences in the U.S. Each week this month, we’ll feature some of these resources. Today we highlight the book collection and primary sources online. Book Collection Book Display: Visit our Black History Month display near the Information Desk. Feel free to borrow…