Category: Uncategorized

  • Library Matters / Libraries Matter: Open Access

    Welcome back to our Library Matters / Libraries Matter blog series, where we share insights into the issues, questions and opportunities libraries consider on a regular basis. This week, we’re celebrating Open Access Week at the Library, joining a community of researchers, publishers and librarians who advocate for removing barriers to scholarly publications. Open Access…

  • International Pronouns Day!

    Wednesday, October 17, 2018 marks the first annual International Pronouns Day. The ability to use and be referred to by one’s preferred pronouns is a basic human right. Being referred to by the wrong pronoun especially affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Exploring the varied conversations surrounding pronouns is essential to a better understanding of…

  • In Memory of our Friend and Colleague

     The Library was saddened to learn the news a few weeks ago that former Library AV Manager, Mark Kump, had passed away. Mark was a steady, calm presence in the library and we miss his dry wit. In honor of his memory, we have dedicated a book about sailing to him. Sailing was one of…

  • Library Matters / Libraries Matter: A Beautiful Mess

    A few weeks ago, I stood in front of the newest group of POL 200: Analyzing Politics students, who were joining me in the library classroom for a semester-long library lab. “Research is conversation,” I told them. “Whenever we do research, we are listening to conversations that are interesting to us, figuring out how the conversation…

  • Today is National Voter Registration Day

    Today is National Voter Registration Day! What a perfect opportunity to check your voter registration status and make sure you don’t miss any upcoming deadlines. And we have a guide to help! Our Vote 2018 guide walks you through requirements to vote in MN and also links you to requirements for other states.

  • Remembering Folke Bernadotte

    The Gustavus library is named in memory of Count Folke Bernadotte, a member of Sweden’s royal family and a diplomat who worked for peace. Born in 1895 he was particularly known for his role in organizing the rescue of prisoners and concentration camp survivors in the final months of the Third Reich, using a convoy…

  • Constitution Day Event

    Monday is Constitution Day. Browse our display in the library, check out our guide to information about the Constitution, and pick up a free pocket constitution (thanks to our Government Documents department) in the library. This year, you’ll also have an opportunity to attend a special event sponsored by the Communication Studies department’s Deliberation and…

  • It’s Cool Inside

    It’s nice and cool in the library. This welcome sign was created by our talented students. Stop off and find something to read, check out a DVD, or borrow some magazines. While you’re at it, enjoy the outdoors. The prairie behind the library and in the Arb is looking mighty fine right now.

  • The Bards of Valley View

    Thanks to the Minnesota Library Publishing Project, we were able to publish Geography Professor Emeritus Bob Douglas’s stories about residents of Valley View, home to some influential Gustavus faculty and administrators, who designed the street and made it into a community.You may browse it online, download free digital copy, or purchase a paperback copy. If…

  • Library Matters / Libraries Matter: Net Neutrality

    Update: Net Neutrality is back in the news. Democrats in the US Senate just forced a vote on a resolution to reverse Chairman Ajit Pai’s change in internet regulations, a change that some internet service providers and all of the big telecomm corporations favored but a majority of citizens in both parties opposed. The bill…