New: American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Posted on March 15th, 2018 by

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New resource! The American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collections include digitized images of the pages of American magazines published between 1684 and 1912. In honor of Women’s History Month, here’s a news brief from the AAS Historical Periodicals Collections that appeared in a Boston magazine in 1875:

Woman Suffrage Partly Granted in Minnesota: While we are discussing Woman Suffrage, the Western States and Territories are enacting it. The official returns show a large majority in Minnesota for the constitutional amendment, voted on at a recent election, provided that any woman who has reached the age of 21 may vote at any election for officers of schools, or on any measure relating to schools, and may be eligible to any office pertaining to the management of schools (Woman’s Journal, December 4, 1875).

The American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collections is part of the Electronic Library for Minnesota, funded by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the Minnesota Department of Education.


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