Year: 2016

  • Understanding Whiteness Resources

    Attend Dr. Shakti Butler’s workshop on Tuesday? Didn’t get a chance but wish you had? Either way, we hope you are motivated to learn more about topics such as white culture, bias, and systemic racism, especially in light of how they impact our Gustavus community. The library has an online guide with resources drawn from…

  • Featured Collection: America in Protest: Vietnam Veterans Against the War

    The Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), formed in 1967, gave voice to returning service members who opposed the ongoing war in Southwest Asia. This collection, America in Protest: Records of Anti-Vietnam War Organizations: The Vietnam Veterans Against the War, consists of FBI reports dealing with various aspects of antiwar work carried out by VVAW.…

  • Share Your Love of Reading – Looking for Volunteers

    Dear Gusties, Do you happen to have a book to recommend to our fellow Gusties? Our library is looking for student volunteers to participate in a video interview as part of a library research project on leisure reading. The main focus of this interview is to get in touch with what our fellow Gusties are…

  • Celebrate and Explore Diversity

    We’ve got a few new displays highlighting various library resources that support diversity. When you first walk through the doors, you’ll find a display about race in anticipation of Dr. Shakti Butler’s visit next Tuesday. You’ll also find a Black History Month display at the Reference Desk on the main floor of the library. And…

  • Featured Collection: Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers

    During World War II, by April 1942, more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans were forced into internment camps. This digital collection of 25 relocation camp newspapers record the concerns and the daily life of the interned Japanese-Americans. Click to search the Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers collection

  • Everything, Everything Reviewed

    We’re rolling out a new feature in our blog – young adult book reviews! Last spring, we surveyed students about the library (read more about the changes we made based on your input). Many of you mentioned you’d like to see more book reviews. Many of you also said you’re looking for more young adult books.…

  • Accessibility to ALL

    In case you haven’t noticed yet, we have automatic doors on both sides of the breezeway! Kristine Rogers, with the Gustavus Student Nursing Association, submitted a grant proposal to the Coca-Cola Educational Partnership Committee requesting funds for this equipment/installation. With the assistance and collaboration of the Coca-Cola Educational Partnership Grant monies and Gustavus Physical Plant,…

  • You Asked, We Listened

    You Asked, We Listened

    Follow Up to Frequently Asked for Things in the Spring 2015 Library Survey Last spring, the library sent out a student survey about possible improvements to the library space. Hundreds of students responded, and we are grateful for their feedback. We’ve worked to address some of the most frequently asked-for improvements and others have been…