Year: 2016

  • Spring Courses to Fit Your Schedule

    Librarians are offering two courses in the spring that might be a good fit for your interests and your schedules. Anna Hulseberg is teaching NDL 201 – Reading Workshop, a .25 credit pass/fail course that meets during the first half of spring semester on Wednesday afternoons, from 2:30 – 3:20. Students read and discuss a book…

  • Tea Tuesdays

    Starting this November, the Library will be offering Tea Tuesdays. Students, faculty and staff can come in and enjoy a hot cup of tea while de-stressing or warming up from the cold every Tuesday for the month of November. You can have a great conversation or check out the revamped nonrequired reading section. The event will start…

  • Open Access Week – Take Action

    It’s time to celebrate the movement to free scholarly research and make it available to all. The Open Access Week website has some suggestions for taking action. Among the things you can do: Upload your work to SocArXiv. Consider submitting an article to Open Library of Humanities. Take a look at the Open Science Framework…

  • Student Appreciation Event

    Students! We know you love the library as a place to study, conduct research, wrestle with ideas, and meet up with friends. You make the library a vibrant, exciting place to be. And we want to show you our thanks and appreciation. Stop by the library on Thursday, October 27, 3:00 – 4:30 for free nachos…

  • Literary and Historical Award Display

    Check out our new display featuring some of the newest literary and historical award winning books. We order award winning books annually that have been chosen for the top literary and historical award prizes.   The links below are for books awarded throughout the years.  You can check our catalog to check if it is available…

  • Zines? What are they?

      Simple Definition of zine : a small magazine that is written by people who are not professional writers and that usually has stories about a particular subject Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary The library has many different “zines” in our collection and all can be found in our online catalog. You can check them out…

  • Indigenous Peoples Day

    photo of Dakota 38 Plus 2 Riders in Mankato, 2012, courtesy of The Uptake The library is observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day with an online resource guide and an exhibit, Commemorating Controversy, originally created by students on the 150th anniversary of the Dakota-U.S. war. The exhibit is also available in digital form through our institutional repository,…

  • Vote 2016

    We hear there’s something about an upcoming election this November….? We’re guess you have, too! While we’re not going to tell you who to vote for, we are going to provide you with information: information about the candidates, about platforms, about polls, and – most importantly – about how and where to vote. Stop by…

  • Nobel Conference Resources

     A reminder that the Gustavus Library has both in person and online resources related to this year’s Nobel Conference! Books by our Nobel speakers are on a display shelf near the front door in the new books area. Additional books on the subject are displayed in the GLA Reading Room. Feel free to check out any that…

  • Banned Books Week

    Wait, people still ban books? Even in this day and age? Unfortunately yes, which is why we celebrate Banned Books Week every year. We celebrate our freedom to read, we condemn censorship, and in doing so, we remind ourselves that threats to our freedoms still exist. The America Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom compiles data…