Month: September 2016

  • Nobel Conference Resources

     A reminder that the Gustavus Library has both in person and online resources related to this year’s Nobel Conference! Books by our Nobel speakers are on a display shelf near the front door in the new books area. Additional books on the subject are displayed in the GLA Reading Room. Feel free to check out any that…

  • Banned Books Week

    Wait, people still ban books? Even in this day and age? Unfortunately yes, which is why we celebrate Banned Books Week every year. We celebrate our freedom to read, we condemn censorship, and in doing so, we remind ourselves that threats to our freedoms still exist. The America Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom compiles data…

  • Cookies and Constitutions

    This Friday, September 16th, between 1 and 4 pm the library will celebrate Constitution Day, with frost-your-own cookies and pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution that you can take with you thanks to the generous support of the Dean of Students office. And do we have a guide for that? Of course we do.  

  • Information for Everyone

    Having a problem finding a book on our shelves? Need to know where the restroom is located? Need a drinking fountain? Have an Interlibrary Loan to pick up? We are the place. Feel free to stop and ask us anything. disturb us as the need grabs you! If we can’t assist we will find the…

  • Resources for Nobel

    Books by our Nobel speakers are on a display shelf near the front door in the new books area. Additional books on the subject are displayed in the GLA Reading Room. Feel free to check out any that interest you. Want to browse from afar? No problem. We have a guide for that.

  • Resources for Between the World and Me

    Our Reading in Common book this fall is short but challenging, raising difficult questions about race, history, fairness, and how Americans see themselves. You can read more about these issues by checking out our Black Lives Matter and Understanding Whiteness resource guides or browsing our diversity display shelves in the GLA Reading Room. Don’t forget…

  • Any Questions?

    After a lot of study and thought, the librarians have switched up the way we provide reference services. We hope to connect with students through their courses and individually through personal contact. Every department has a liaison librarian who can help students with their research needs. You can call us, make an appointment, drop by…

  • Special and Rare

    Some students will remember a brick-lined room on the library’s main floor that was a quiet bolt-hole for serious studying before it was mysteriously locked up. Alumni and other long-timers will recall when that room was full of microfilm. Well, the locks are open now (at least during the daytime) and you can study in…