Year: 2015

  • Oscar Night has flown…..

    like “The Birdman” !      The movies that were popular at the Oscar’s will soon be available at the library.  Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library prides itself on purchasing Oscar title winners and runner ups.  Keep your eye on the shelves!  I saw the following movies in the building that will soon be available to…

  • Visit the Archives this Saturday!

    Have you been wanting to do some research at the College and Lutheran Church Archives but can’t make it in during the week? You’re in luck! We will be open this Saturday, Feb. 21, from 10am-2pm. See you then!

  • Celebrating Black History Month

    At the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library, we offer many print and online resources that document, commemorate and celebrate Black history and experiences in the United States. Ferguson Resources – In addition to organizing a range of information about the protests in Ferguson, MO, this online guide provides a sample of resources addressing African American history,…

  • Books in Bloom 2015: Save the Date!

    Mark your calendars! Gustavus Library Associates will host its annual Books in Bloom event May 1-3, 2015 in the library. Is there a fantastic book you’d love to see featured? Send your suggestion to Sonja Timmerman and we’ll add it to the list of titles for consideration. Books in Bloom has featured designs by a range…

  • What have you been reading lately?

    For most students, the question is met with a laugh and an eye roll, “Well, I’ve been spending a lot of time with my organic chemistry textbook lately.” In general, the demands of college work and life don’t leave much time for recreational reading.  In fact, we’ve even done research on this, with our own…

  • Children’s Collection

    Just a reminder that if you are looking for something quick to read, or maybe one of your cherished childhood favorites, be sure to browse the Children’s Collection found on the first floor at the south end. We have improved this area and made room for some great new titles. There is also a display…