Interlibrary Loan delays Posted on June 13th, 2011 by

We’ve watched out the windows of the library with fascination as the new academic building has gone through each phase of construction. As it nears completion and work on the West Mall begins, we’re excited about the changes occurring in our section of campus.

The progress being made on these projects means vehicle access to the library building will be temporarily restricted on Campus Center Drive. Since Chapel Drive is also closed for construction, our interlibrary loan courier vans will need to suspend deliveries for the time being while these projects are advanced.

If you’re expecting an interlibrary loan book or other physical item, there’s a good chance it will be delayed in arriving at Gustavus. (Articles and copies that arrive electronically will not be affected.) If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact Sonja at the library. Thanks for your patience!


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