Category: Uncategorized

  • Whoops! Firefox Glitch

    If you are using Firefox as a browser, you may be either unable to get links to work – or may be seeing nothing much at all on the library’s website.  Gustavus Technology Services is on the case! Meanwhile, please use another browser, such as Chrome or Safari, or try this alternative page. Apologies for…

  • New Look for the Library’s Front Page

    No, it’s not you: the library’s website has changed. Many months ago, after a careful study involving focus groups with students, a user survey, and studying best practices, we simplified our site dramatically. It turned out we’d made some things a bit too simple, so we’ve made adjustments. We now have a tab for finding music…

  • Loud Construction

    For the next few days there will be some work being done on the exterior of the building off and on. We apologize for any inconvenience or noise disruption. Thank you for your patience!

  • Library Closed Morning of Aug. 6

    Due to a planned power outage as some much needed construction takes place, the library will be closed the morning of Tuesday, August 6th (8:00a.m.–?). We will be open Tuesday afternoon. We apologize for any inconvenience or lack of advance warning. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

  • Summer Reads

    It is time to get your summer reading! Did you know that students can check out books for the entire summer? Head to the Faces of Folke Display (right by the couches) to browse some fantastic fiction to add to your summer reading list!

  • Children, the Qur’an, and Contemporary Islam: Screening of Koran By Heart

    Come learn more about Islam in both the historical and contemporary periods.  Celebrate our library’s new acquisition of the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf.  The Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library and the Religion Department are sponsoring an event on Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm in Confer 128. Koran By Heart is a documentary that follows three young…

  • Going on an adventure?

    Check out the Faces of Folke display on the main floor of the library for all sorts of information about traveling around the world! Or just check out a movie and go on a cinematic adventure in the comfort of your home.

  • National Library Week

    National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians and to promote library use. To learn more visit :

  • Library Star Students

    The Library Star Students for spring semester are Jill Smith  and Sarah Spande, both from the circulation department. Congratulations to these two deserving student workers! Star Students are library student employees who have demonstrated superior performance in their departments. The library depends heavily on student workers and wishes to recognize those that go above and…

  • March Faces of Folke Display

    Excited for Spring Break? Want to decompress with a good book? Check out the Faces of Folke display on the main floor! This display is filled with fascinating fiction chosen by students. Find your Spring Break read now! Faces of Folke does a new display every month so be sure to check back after break…