Category: Uncategorized
Lindell Scholar Award Deadline, Dec. 2
Today’s the day! If you want to toss your hat in the ring for the chance to be this spring’s Lindell Scholar, the deadline for applications is Monday, December 2nd. Work with a librarian on a digital humanities project this spring and earn a $1,200 award. Check it out.
Matt Rasmussen, Dec. 5th
Join the community on Thursday, December 5th, between 3:00 and 4:30 in the Book Mark to congratulate and celebrate poet Matt Rasmussen. Matt’s first book or poetry, Black Aperture, was a finalist for this years’s National Book Award. There will be refreshments! And you can do some holiday shopping while you’re at it – because surely…
Library Renovation News
You may have seen the news in the paper or on the college website or heard the announcement at the Gustavus Library Associates‘ Royal Affair – donors have committed funds and more are being raised to renovate the library. We’re excited about the possibilities but are especially interested in knowing what you think the library needs and what you…
Apply to be a Patricia Lindell Scholar
Every other year, the library offers a research opportunity funded by the Gustavus Library Associates. The Lindell Scholar receives a $1,200 award upon successful completion of the project. Because of the time commitment involved, applicants are strongly recommended to apply for independent study credit during the spring semester. Each project has a different focus. This…
Gustavus Reference Services: A Student Perspective
Video of students at Gustavus talking about reference services in the library.
Free Online Tools
Looking for ways to save time, get organized, or increase your productivity? Here are a few (free!) online tools: Google Docs ( – If you’ve been assigned a group project/paper, need to write a lab report with your partner, or any other collaborative writing project, Google Docs can help. It allows you to share documents…
Disappearing Documents
Due to the federal government shutdown, a number of websites are currently unavailable, including American Facfinder and other data from the Bureau of the Census. Other sites, such as PubMed, are running but with minimal staff. Links to government documents in our catalog may not work. Contact with people is also affected as offices are…
Nobel Conference Library Display
Are you looking for more information on this year’s Nobel Conference subject “The Universe at its Limits”? Then look no further! We have a display full of books on this topic including books by the presenters.
Constitution Day Event Today at 2:30
Last May, Edward Snowden began to disclose in the press classified information about a sweeping surveillance program conducted by the National Security Agency. Is Snowden a traitor or a whistleblower? Is the NSA program a necessary safeguard or unconstitutional? What expectations of privacy can we have the digital era? Join us in the GLA Reading…
We Now Return You To . . .
. . . your previous library home page. The problem we ran into is is not going to be an easy fix, and so we’ve had to pull the plug on our new design for now. We hope, whether the page is the current one or our ideal new page, that it won’t be too…