Category: Uncategorized

  • Resources for Nobel

    Books by our Nobel speakers are on a display shelf near the front door in the new books area. Additional books on the subject are displayed in the GLA Reading Room. Feel free to check out any that interest you. Want to browse from afar? No problem. We have a guide for that.

  • Any Questions?

    After a lot of study and thought, the librarians have switched up the way we provide reference services. We hope to connect with students through their courses and individually through personal contact. Every department has a liaison librarian who can help students with their research needs. You can call us, make an appointment, drop by…

  • Special and Rare

    Some students will remember a brick-lined room on the library’s main floor that was a quiet bolt-hole for serious studying before it was mysteriously locked up. Alumni and other long-timers will recall when that room was full of microfilm. Well, the locks are open now (at least during the daytime) and you can study in…

  • For Faculty: you get an arXiv and YOU get an arXiv

    Since 1991, physicists and fellow travelers have been sharing their research online through arXiv, originally hosted at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, now at Cornell. A bit later, economists began to share their work through RepEc. Much more recently, bioRxiv was launched at Cold Springs Harbor to host biology research. A site for social sciences…

  • For Faculty: Good News, Bad News

    Social scientists, rejoice! A new platform for sharing social research has just been announced, just in time to replace SSRN (the Social Science Research Network purchased by Elsevier with unsurprisingly disastrous results). Though SocArXiv is still under development, you can already upload papers, pre-prints, and any research to which you hold the rights. Don’t forget…

  • Enjoy Your Summer!

        The library’s social media presence winds down a bit during the summer. We’re still hard at work cataloging books, overseeing projects, and helping patrons, but you might not hear from us as often. If you’re on campus, stop in to say hi. We can’t wait to reconnect with everyone again in September. If you…

  • Gender Neutral Bathrooms in the Library

    The Library is pleased to announce plans to make both bathrooms on the main floor gender neutral. We are in the process of exploring construction options to remodel the bathrooms; work will be undertaken over the next several months. Bathrooms on the first and third floors will remain designated for men and women. In the…

  • Congratulations to Our Senior Student Employees

    The library is beyond lucky to have such great student employees. They check out materials, interact with patrons, shelve books, create displays and assist with ordering and preparing new library materials. We’re pretty sure the library’s work would come to a grinding halt without them. Every year, we say goodbye to a wonderful group of…

  • Safety and Personal Stuff

    Do you enjoy all your electronic toys? Do you need them most for writing papers for finals and then surfing the web in a moment of down time? Please remember those gadgets cost money and for all the beauty that our campus offers there are still thieves among us. Please take extreme caution when studying…

  • Free Books! Student Appreciation Event

    Stop by our book giveaway table on Thursday, May 19 for free books! This is a great time to stock up on summer reading. If you’ve got books to swap, bring them by and leave them on the table. (The perfect time to unload books you don’t feel like lugging home for the summer.) We’ll…