‘Minitex’ Category

New! Global Newsstream

New resource this year! Global Newsstream lets you search recent global news and older content stretching back into the 1980s. It features over 2,500 news sources including newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and full-text websites. Global Newsstream is part of the Electronic Library for Minnesota, brought to our library through […]

Ebooks through EBooks Minnesota

  We are proud to announce that Ebooks Minnesota, a new ebook collection is available for Minnesota residents. Ebooks Minnesota is a joint collaboration between the University of Minnesota, The Office of Higher Education, and the Minnesota Department of Education. The collection is accessible through this link and information about access through apps (iTunes, Kindle, […]

A Message from Minitex

You may be reading the news about a possible state government shutdown and its potential impact on public universities.This message from Minitex is reassuring for our summer research – at least for now. The University of Minnesota has announced that it would be able to sustain operations for a period of time that is yet […]

New library databases available!

We are pleased to announce that a suite of new library databases are available, ranging from a collection of works of art from museums around the world, to full-text databases covering education and health, to online encyclopedias. These new databases are part of the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM), which is brought to you by […]