Archive for October, 2018
Library Matters / Libraries Matter: Open Access
Welcome back to our Library Matters / Libraries Matter blog series, where we share insights into the issues, questions and opportunities libraries consider on a regular basis. This week, we’re celebrating Open Access Week at the Library, joining a community of researchers, publishers and librarians who advocate for removing barriers to scholarly publications. Open Access […]
International Pronouns Day!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 marks the first annual International Pronouns Day. The ability to use and be referred to by one’s preferred pronouns is a basic human right. Being referred to by the wrong pronoun especially affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Exploring the varied conversations surrounding pronouns is essential to a better understanding of […]
In Memory of our Friend and Colleague
The Library was saddened to learn the news a few weeks ago that former Library AV Manager, Mark Kump, had passed away. Mark was a steady, calm presence in the library and we miss his dry wit. In honor of his memory, we have dedicated a book about sailing to him. Sailing was one of […]