Archive for May, 2018

Library Matters / Libraries Matter: Net Neutrality

Update: Net Neutrality is back in the news. Democrats in the US Senate just forced a vote on a resolution to reverse Chairman Ajit Pai’s change in internet regulations, a change that some internet service providers and all of the big telecomm corporations favored but a majority of citizens in both parties opposed. The bill […]

Honoring our Senior Student Employees

Whenever you walk through the Library, you see students. Studying, researching, browsing shelves, socializing…sometimes even napping. We hope you’ve also noticed an essential group of students who are working at the front desk, or the AV desk, or shelving books. Other students are behind-the-scenes, helping to order and process books and other materials. These are […]

Mayday! Leymah Gbowee

How often do you get to hear a Nobel Peace Prize winner speak? This week, Leymah Gbowee will be the keynote speaker for the annual Mayday! peace conference.  She will be speaking in the Chapel at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 2. There will be a screening of a documentary about her work, Pray the […]