Happy Birthday, Louis Braille! Posted on January 4th, 2006 by

Google is honoring the inventor of Braille today.

Another new books list has been posted on our Web site. Better yet, we will soon be returning to the practice of sending those who request books a slip with its call number when they head out to the shelves. We had discontinued that process a few years ago to streamline the work, but we missed it. So those of you who suggest books for purchase will be finding those little slips in your POs again before too long. Thanks to Sonja Timmerman for making it happen.

RSS readers are dead? Just as I’m getting used to this fascinating way to waste incredible amounts of time? RSS – “Really Simple Syndication” – is a technological way to “feed” digital stories to potential audiences. And while I never got used to my checking Bloglines account routinely, I now have a dozen feeds on my upgraded FireFox toolbar. They call them “live bookmarks.” I call them procrastination’s best friend.


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