Books in (Google) Print Posted on May 29th, 2005 by

Google Print finally has a page of its own. Still in beta, the search trolls the books that Google has digitized, though a cursory glance suggests the only books included so far are in their publisher program, not from their much-ballyhooed library project. (And for publisher-supplied books, links lead only to booksellers, not to library catalogs.) Interestingly, this same cursory glance suggest that so far Google’s digitized books are more likely to be scholarly than those available in full text through Amazon’s Search Inside program — perhaps because commercial publishers were quicker to sign on with Amazon. That may change as the Google product gains traction.

Unfortunately so far there are no links between Google Print and Google Scholar–a book located through what T.J. Sondermann calls Schoogle won’t link to the text in Print.

Meanwhile, Schoogle has launched a means of linking directly to full text articles in subscribing libraries that have software called “link resolvers.” Yes, we’re checking into this …

By the way, we’re trying something new–combining our e-mail newsletter with a blog for the library’s news page. Once I send this I will find out if it actually works.



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