Entries tagged with ‘feminism’

Together: A Global and Interconnected Effort (Feminism Series Guest Post!)

Today we welcome guest blogger Ashley Evans, the Library’s academic assistant, for the third and final post is a series on feminism resources. You can read her first post here and her second post here. (Please note that you will need your Gustavus user ID/password to access some of these materials.) Thus far in our […]

A Starting Point that Never Ends: A Brief Look at Feminist History (Guest Post!)

Today we welcome guest blogger Ashley Evans, the Library’s academic assistant, for the second post is a series on feminism resources. You can read her first post here. Feminism has been around arguably as long as women have existed. As mentioned in the previous blog post feminism is a movement for equality, and people believe […]

Guest Post! What is Feminism?

Today we welcome guest blogger Ashley Evans, the Library’s academic assistant, for the first post is a series on feminism resources. (Please note that you will need your Gustavus user ID/password to access some of these materials.) As many of you know, the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library holds thousands of books on all different subjects. […]