Entries tagged with ‘building bridges’
Building Bridges Display
The 28th Building Bridges Conference, Unseen Passages: Refugees and the Collective Fight for Vitality, will take place on the Gustavus campus Saturday, March 4, starting at 9:30 am. Be sure to visit the conference website for more details about the day, including ticket information. Building Bridges Library Display: In honor of the conference, the Library […]
Building Bridges Resources #BB2017
The 2017 Building Bridges conference topic is “Uprooting Injustice: Fostering the Growth of Grassroots Movements.” In honor of the conference, the Library has created an online guide to Activism resources. Please also stop by the library itself to see the Building Bridges book display created by the Building Bridges team. Be sure to visit the conference website above […]
Building Bridges Library Resources
The theme for this year’s Building Bridges is Silver or Lead: Wealth and Violence in the War on Drugs. We have a display near the front door of some of the many books in the library related to this topic as well as a guide to some of our resources. This day-long conference featuring speakers […]