Entries tagged with ‘advocacy’

Find the Library at Your Place

Happy National Library Week! The celebration, which occurs annually in April, provides a time to reflect on the benefits that libraries & library workers provide our communities. This year’s theme was originally, “Find Your Place at the Library.” Considering the flipped nature of our daily lives during this pandemic  – and the fact that libraries […]

Library Matters / Libraries Matter: Day of Facts Reflection

Last year, the Gustavus Library participated in the #DayofFacts campaign via our blog and social media. Some of our tweets even went viral! (Well, viral for us.) On the anniversary of the event, we are reposting last year’s blog post about the day itself – and the reasons that facts continue to remain important. On […]

Library Matters / Libraries Matter: IMLS

Like many professional organizations, libraries are famous (notorious?) for their use of acronyms: ILS, RDA, OCLC, ACRL, ALA….The list goes on and on. (No, seriously, it does!) One of the most important acronyms, and one that has been in the news recently, is IMLS, which stands for the Institute of Museum and Library Services. IMLS […]

The Press is Still Not Our Enemy

In recent days, the President has ramped up his attacks against the press, tweeting that NBC and other news organizations should lose their licenses and saying it was “disgusting” that (in his mind) the press can write whatever it wants.   It seems like a good time to repost our The Press is Not Our […]

Gustavus Statement in Support of DACA Students

Yesterday the College released a statement in support of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) students. We are sharing the statement below (also linked here), along with a few resources to help you explore and understand DACA. *** TO: The Gustavus Community FROM: President Rebecca Bergman SUBJECT: Support for DACA Students DATE: September 6, 2017 […]

Celebrate National Library Week!

National Library Week kicks off on Sunday, April 10. National Library Week celebrates the contributions of libraries to our civic life, including the unique educational role all kinds of libraries – academic, public, school, and special – play. The theme for this year’s National Library Week celebration is Libraries Transform. At the Gustavus Library, we […]