Category: Uncategorized

  • Constitution Day talk – ‘Ground Zero Mosque’

    Join us in the library’s GLA Reading Room on Friday, September 17th at 2:30, when Associate Professor Alisa Rosenthal of the Political Science department will give a talk on the constitutional issues raised by the proposed Islamic Cultural Center in lower Manhattan. Come and discuss an issue that offers a topical take on a document…

  • What’s new? Library e-resources updates

    As you get ready for fall term, visit the library’s E-resources Informer site for updates on our e-resources collection. Some highlights from this fall’s E-Resources Informer: Not so trivial trivia: selected statistics on the databases and online journals used most frequently by the Gustavus community Tips and tools: find out how the Assignment Calculator can…

  • Author Tea! Join us this Thursday, May 6th

    The Book Mark and the library host an annual author tea for Gustavus authors who have published books within the past year. Join us this Thursday, May 6th, at 3:30 in the Courtyard Cafe to hear a bit about the books and enjoy refreshments. Here is this year’s bookshelf: Sidonia Alenuma (Education) Race and Educational…

  • We Need You!

    Want to improve the library? We need students to participate in our library study. Your participation could win you 100 pages of free printing or pizza! Your role may include any of the following: Designer Photographer Web Consultant When do we need you? And for how long? Sometime between now and the end of April…

  • New Catalog Arrival

    MnPALS Plus, our new catalog, is up and running! You can access it directly from the search box on the library’s homepage. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new interface. Please click here to send us comments and questions. (Fans of the old catalog, Classic MnPALS, can still access it from the library’s…

  • The catalogs they are a changin’…

    We’re pleased to announce the launch of a new library catalog. It’s the same great data with a bold new look. MnPALS Plus, which was developed locally by our library consortium, boasts improved location information, sophisticated ways to refine searches and a number of other features that make it more user-friendly and in line with…

  • Take the library with you!

    If you’ll be away from campus during the holidays or in January, take the library with you! Remember that you can connect to our research databases remotely by linking to them from the library’s website — just log in using the 14-digit barcode from your Gustavus ID as your username, and (in most cases) your…

  • Of Course We’re Open!

    Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night … if it’s not a holiday, we’re open. At this busy time of year, students have lots of work to do, and if classes are called off, that’s just one more chance to get to it. But if you’ve spent hours in the library working on papers…

  • Open Access Week

    Happy Open Access Week! What are we celebrating? The gathering momentum of a movement to make research more available by changing the dynamic of how it is produced, presented, and accessed. Basically, scholars write up their research to share it. They submit it to their peers for review through the channels of book and journal…

  • Win $1,200!

    Applications are now available for the Patricia Lindell Scholarship. The scholarship, established through the generosity of the Gustavus Library Associates, awards a junior or senior student $1,200 to undertake a research project for the Gustavus library. This year’s project focuses on how undergraduates utilize space in academic libraries. During spring semester 2010, the recipient of…