Category: Uncategorized

  • Open Library Ebook Loans

    As ebooks become more popular, libraries and publishers have entered into new and often contentious relationships over ebook loans. Public libraries, in particular, face significant limits. Unlike the usual experience, libraries have to pay lots more for ebooks than they do for printed books. Apart from having to invest a lot of money into setting…

  • The Campus with 2 Tornados

    Sunday, March 29, 1998A warm sunny day which turned out to be the 2nd time the college was under siege by nature’s power. A tornado swept in and wiped out 90% of all windows on campus, demolished the Swedish house plus many other campus homes, ravaged St. Peter, and left the town with one casualty…

  • Faculty: First Friday @ The Library

    Faculty are invited to drop by for refreshments and conversation in the Gustavus Library Associates Reading Room (just past the reference desk on the main floor) this afternoon, March 2nd, between 1:30 and 3:30. The topic for this First Friday is Ebooks: what do you think of them? What impact might digital books have on…

  • Dickens/Darwin Birthday Party

    It’s not too late! Join us today, February 28th at 1:30 for birthday cake and conversation about two notable Victorians whose 200th and 2003rd birthdays are celebrated this month. Julie Bartley (Geology) and So Park (English) will have a few words to say. And yes . . . there will be cake.

  • Birthday Party for Charles

    As we write this blog post, it’s Charles Dickens’ 200th birthday. We are also approaching Charles Darwin’s 203rd birthday. We though we’d go ahead and have a birthday party for both of them. Please join us on February 28th at 1:30 in the GLA Reading Room of the library for cake and a conversation with…

  • Patricia Lindell Scholarship – Application

    Patricia Lindell Scholarship 2011-12 Every other year, the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library awards a junior or senior student the Patricia Lindell Scholarship, established through the generosity of the Gustavus Library Associates. The recipient will be awarded $1,200 to undertake a research project for the library that benefits the wider Gustavus community.  Most recipients have also…

  • My Pet Peeve

    This post is for everyone who believes library books “borrowed” belong personally to them. There is a word for the disease that irks me most and it is “marginalia”! The need of a person to write notes in the margins, underline or highlight text, use pen, marker, pencil, or anything that is either impossible or…

  • All That Jazz

    Featured database: Jazz Music Library This growing collection of streaming jazz currently includes over 10,000 albums and more than 130,000 tracks. It provides access to thousands of jazz artists, ensembles, albums, and genres. Click here to enter the Jazz Music Library. Also available from the library homepage: click “Research Guides” then “Music.” Want to learn…

  • Need to Do Online Research During Reading Days?

    If you need to use online library resources from off campus over Reading Days, a word to the wise: check now to make sure your account is active: Go to the Library home page ( On the list of links on the left, Click “My Library Account” User ID/Barcode: enter the 14-digit number (begins with…

  • Need a good source? Need it now?

    Try our featured database: Sage Premier Sage provides electronic access to 600+ scholarly, full-text journals and over 300,000+ articles, with content dating back to 1999. Subject areas covered include business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, medicine and more. To begin searching, click here. Need more help finding good sources? Visit with a reference librarian.