Category: Uncategorized
New Diversity Center Library
You may know that the Gustavus Diversity Center has a collection of books. Did you know that you can veiw the Diversity Center Library collection on LibraryThing? You can search the collection, write reviews and get recommendations. You can even check books out at the Diversity Center. Members of the library’s Diversity Interest Group aided in setting up…
Gustie Recommends
Like to read? Wondering what your fellow Gusties recommend? Look no further. We are proud to debut a collection of videos created by our Patricia Lindell Scholar (and all around superstar) Renee Yong, who has been investigating how academic libraries can help cultivate leisure reading. Renee sat down with six Gusties to ask about their reading habits,…
Congratulations to our Colleagues!
The library is thrilled to offer congratulations to our newly-tenured colleagues, who will be recognized in a Chapel service at 10am on Friday, April 22. In honor of their achievements, the library has dedicated a book in each of their honor; the books are on display near the library’s front doors. Congratulations, Kristian, Katrina, Sun…
Celebrate National Library Week!
National Library Week kicks off on Sunday, April 10. National Library Week celebrates the contributions of libraries to our civic life, including the unique educational role all kinds of libraries – academic, public, school, and special – play. The theme for this year’s National Library Week celebration is Libraries Transform. At the Gustavus Library, we…
What You Were Searching: Top Ten Databases
Top Ten Databases Searched by Gustavus Library Users in 2015:* Academic Search Premier Communication & Mass Media Complete PsycINFO CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) PsycARTICLES ATLA Religion Database SPORTDiscus EBSCO MegaFile Philosopher’s Index Alt HealthWatch *This list includes databases in the EBSCO platform only, ranked by number of searches
Have you been to the first floor study area lately? We know from our own observations (and from hundreds of comments from students last spring) that the area is popular for group study. We also know that you (understandably) want more outlets. In fact, a demand for more outlets has been a common theme for…
Read for Fun!
Not that academic books and class reading aren’t fun. (We’re not even being sarcastic.) But now that it’s almost time for spring break, you might have a little more time to relax and kick back with a good, not-for-class, not-going-to-be-graded-on-it book. Looking for suggestions? We have lots. Check out our new online guide for Leisure…
Library Access During Spring Break
Reminder: You can access most of the library’s resources remotely following these steps: Select the resource from the library’s home page Log in using the 14-digit library number from your Gustavus ID as your username and your last name as your password Questions about your library account or remote access? Contact the Circulation Desk (x7557)…
Research Guides to Guide Your Research
Writing a research paper or working on a project over spring break? Wishing you had personalized suggestions for recommended resources? Missing the library and the personalized research assistance provided by reference librarians? Guess what – you CAN take the library with you! Our library Research Guides contain recommended sources and search tips for a variety…