Category: Uncategorized

  • The Press Is Not Our Enemy

    The library faculty is dismayed by President Trump’s recent public statement that the media is “the enemy of the American people.” We believe a free press is fundamentally important to the future of an American democracy. The First Amendment to the US Constitution wisely offers strong defense of journalists striving to write the “first draft…

  • Relaxation Room Is Open!

    As the beloved massage chair has been refurbished, please continue to use this chair with care planning your time in this space no longer than 30 minutes.  Please also continue to respect the rule of NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES within this room.  We all love this space and wish to respect the parameters it has…

  • The #DayofFacts is here!

    Today, the Gustavus Library is participating in the Day of Facts campaign, joining libraries, museums, archives and other institutions to remind the public that facts matter. Read more about our reasons for participating in the campaign. And follow along! Use the #DayofFacts hashtag. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Learn more about the facts…

  • Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984

    Featured Digital Collection: This resource documents the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s surveillance of individual African Americans and groups deemed politically suspect. It provides source materials on the people and groups under surveillance and provides a window into the development of the country’s first systematic domestic surveillance program. Includes the FBI files on Malcolm X, Thurgood…

  • The Library’s #DayofFacts

    On Friday, February 17, the Gustavus Library will join libraries, museums, archives and other cultural institutions to participate in the #DayofFacts campaign. Day of Facts is a social media event dedicated to reminding the public that facts matter, and that our institutions are still trusted sources for truth and knowledge. On Friday, we will be on Twitter,…

  • Who Are Libraries For?

    The picture says it all. (From Hafuboti)

  • New Spot for our Zines!

    Those of us who are children of the 90s might know all about zines, those amazing, hand-made books and pamphlets used for self and political expression. Those of us who were children in the 90s might have no idea what’s happening. But now’s your chance to learn more! The library has a zine collection dating back several…

  • Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

    Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. We may not have cake for him this year, but we do have some good reading. With the help of science faculty we have complied a list of nifty websites and blogs and have highlighted some of the books in our collection that make reading about science…

  • What You Were Searching: Top Ten Journals

    Top Ten Journals Searched by Gustavus Library Users in 2016:* PLoS One Conference Papers of the International Communication Association Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Time Library Journal Developmental Psychology College Student Journal Communication Quarterly Communication Research Reports Conference Papers of the National Communication Association *This list includes titles in EBSCO databases only, ranked by number…

  • Learn About Islam

    Given recent events, we have added a few new resources to our guide about Islam in the News to reiterate our commitment to religious diversity and assure Muslim students, faculty, and staff that you are welcome here. Our 2016 guide about the refugee crisis seems newly relevant, too.   Photo of the mosque in Abuja…