‘Banned Books’ Category

Banned Books @ Your Library

Banned Books Week (October 1-7, 2023) celebrates the freedom to read and draws attention to attempts to censor books in libraries and schools.  The Gustavus Library endorses the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement affirming that “the freedom to read is essential to our democracy” and that librarians should “make available the widest diversity […]

Challenged Books @ the Library

National Library Week (April 23-29) starts with the release of the American Library Association’s list of the Top 13 Most Challenged Books of 2022. Today also marks Right to Read Day, a day for readers, advocates, and library lovers to oppose censorship and defend, protect, and celebrate your right to read freely. One way you […]

Banned Books Week 2017 Resources

Welcome to Banned Books Week 2017. Yes, there are still people who seek to challenge and ban books they deem “controversial,” for whatever reason. And yes, libraries continue to play a critical role in educating the public about these threats, as well as the value of unfettered access to information, even to ideas that are […]