Exercise your right to vote on November 8!
Voting is a hard-won right that needs to be protected and is too often taken for granted. It’s our right and our responsibility!
50 Years Ago: New Voting Power for College Students
The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 in 1971. As reported in the 1972 Gustavian Yearbook, “Gustavus students put their newly acquired voting power to use” by “turning out at the St. Peter precinct caucuses to pass resolutions and elect delegates to the county Republican and Democratic conventions.” According to the yearbook, resolutions voted on at the caucuses ranged from one urging the adoption of the Equal Rights Amendment, to another asking for a ban on the sale, use, and manufacture of pesticides in Minnesota, to another that sought to increase scholarships and work grants for students, and more.
Elections & Voting Information
Elections & Voting (Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State)
Vote411.org (League of Women Voters)
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