Month: September 2011
Archives Window Display
Thanks to the efforts of Lacie Micek, an archives student worker, there is a wonderful new display on the windows of the College and Lutheran Church Archives. Using the 2011 homecoming theme of “black and gold never gets old,” she created a visually appealing display of images depicting life at Gustavus since the institution moved…
Nobel Conference 2011
The library has compiled two very nice displays for the Nobel Conference Oct. 4-5, 2011. One is for books and the other for DVDs pertaining to the subject of “The Brain and Being Human.” These displays are not behind glass so you can easily “check them out!” Make sure to feed your mind by attending…
Where Did the Databases Go?
As you may have noticed, we’ve made some dramatic changes to our website. One question that we have heard through backchannels is “what happened to the databases?” After doing a wide-ranging study of student use of the library, we learned that many students who want to search for articles were baffled by our previous site.…
Have you seen our New Acquisitions Webpage?
View this site to find out what new titles were added to the library or use the option of subscribing to the RSS feeds to alert you to new arrivals in your field of interest. Please note that as a way to be most efficient, we will now be using this RSS feed option in…
You’re invited…
…to the Gustavus Library Associates Fall Membership Tea. Join President Jack and Kris Ohle at the President’s house on Monday, September 19 from 10:00-11:30am. Enjoy refreshments and learn more about GLA. Bring a friend – we hope to see you there!
Where were you?
……………….. is possibly the most asked question this year. We have come to the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our country. All of us remember where we were at the time the news and radios transmitted live the events as they were unfolding. The library has a display of books, movies, journals and…
Welcome – Through the Front Door
With Beck Hall now open, it may be tempting to use the library’s staff-only rear exit as a short cut. Because libraries need security, we hope you won’t find it too inconvenient to use the front door instead. We know we can trust you, but not everyone is as trustworthy. So you will find that…