Month: March 2006

  • And the Winners Are …

    Thanks to all who took our Web survey. Over 900 responses! That will help us tweak and redesign our Website with you all in mind. Ashley Gibbs is the student who won the drawing to be a Library VIP; Marie Walker is our faculty Veep. Congratulations! More new books have arrived. Check out the latest…

  • Take Our Survey – Please

    Want to be a VIP? As the library considers a redesign of our website, we need faculty perspectives on the library’s online tools and services. This survey will enable us to improve the quality of the services we provide for you and your students. If you complete the survey prior to Monday, March 13, 2006,…

  • MnPALS Interlibrary Loan Goes Live!

    At long last, the interlibrary loan function in the MnPALS shared catalog is now working. To order books from other libraries, you need to log in using your barcode and last name and select Gustavus as your library. Then, when you find a book at another library that you want to order, click on the…